Saturday, October 27, 2012

Preparing for the storm of a lifetime

As Sandy approaches and pulls in another monster storm, we find ourselves bracing for hours without electricity and a deluge of water.  As the storm travels through Philadelphia, there is the possibility that we could see a little snow on the backside of this event.  Being prepared for a storm of this size is never an easy process.  What to get, how bad will it really be?  Well I have the first items on my survival kit, hot chocolate, Godiva liquor and lots of marshmallows.  Even if we loose electric, there is always the gas logs that will enable us to  heat up some milk.  The thought of heading out to the market at this point seems a little silly if we loose power and all that food goes bad.  We are riding it out with the bare essentials this time.  Batteries, candles fresh fruit should carry us through.  Hear is hoping everyone out there survives with little damange.  Will post photos of the aftermath of "Frankenstorm".

I hope that the Halloween decorations survive!!!!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Spring Awakenings - Temple University

Last week the Musical Theater Department at Temple University opened their musical, Spring Awakenings.  As challenging as it was to watch this show, I could not be any prouder of my daughter for her soulful performance of a young girl who was being abused by her father.  It sent chills down my spine and that is when I realized, she had pulled me into her performance and I was feeling her pain.  Her talent overwhelms me and she is growing and learning with each passing performance.  I am so very proud of her.

Prepping for the show

Here on the East Coast of the United States we are just about peaking out with the autumnal hues that are changing everyday.  Quite walks offer as much if not better landscapes than are in an art studio.  Colors are vibrant and against a crystal clear sky pop all over.  Berries, grasses, mums, leaves of all shapes, sizes and colors.  Go outside this fall an enjoy the fresh air and the inspiration that comes with this beautiful change.


Pumpkin Cranberry Scones

Oh my my my these babies are a delight and I hate to say it but they are straight out of a box...yet a Trader Joes Box.  Easy to make and absolutely delish.  Not to mention they make the house smell wonderful!!!!