Look what is fresh from my garden. I absolutely love these puffs of beautiful color. Last year I added two additional varieties. What a beautiful gift they are.
Lillies are in Bloom
Each day something new pops open. Today my yellow summer Lillies are coming into bloom. I have a passion for yellow and blue color combination. Last year while in Bermuda, I hopped onto my motor bike and headed for Alexandria Battery Beach. It may be small but it has so much seaglass, it looked like a stained glass window painted in the sand. Well off I went with my goggles and breathing tube and low and behold found the beautiful blue glass jar these flowers are in. What a treasure!!
And perfect for my flowers.
A Love Affair
I have had a love affair with my garden for as long as I can remember but my favorite part of my many gardens is my hydrangea. When we first moved into this house, there were no flowers. NOTHING! Well for me it was like a blank slate and I quickly got the lay of the land and found the perfect spot for my hydrangea garden. I am now up to 7 varieties. I added two additional varieties this season from my Mom for Mothers Day. They are just getting ready to bloom. Had to share these beautiful flower from my garden.

Last weekend was entirely spent working in the garden. I knew I had to get a lot of work done with the rains coming. Gardening absolutely feeds the spirit. The rewards are bountiful. Breath in the fresh air, feel the dirt between your fingers. While spending time in the garden loose yourself, there are no worries, no time limits, just empty your mind and fill it up with the beauty around you.

The past few years Spring Break has been in mid March, when the garden it still sleeping. Horray for this year. Having an entire week for Spring Break is quite a wonderful gift. I have spent most of my time prepping and planting. The grey clouds of winter have lifted and Spring is in full bloom. The garden refreshes the spirit. Just like the plants, we come out of hibernation. It is therapeutic, rewarding and healing to be in the garden.